Asante Three Rivers Medical Center staff collected the donated scrubs from Goodwill’s South Medford store. Pictured (from left) are Brandi G., Operating Room Surgery Manager, Tania C., Director of PeriOperative Services; and Melissa R. PeriOperative Support Specialist.
How Goodwill serves the community starts with the generous contributions of clothing and household items to sell and raise funds to employment-based programs. In times of the COVID-19 pandemic, donations are going to work on the front line at local hospitals.
Earlier this week, we received a special request for scrubs for the health care workers at Asante medical centers. The manager of operating room services at Asante Three Rivers in Grants Pass, Brandi, described the need of scrubs care providers could leave behind at the end of their shift — a safety measure to protect their families waiting at home. Asante’s linens cleaning service would take the next steps to take and return sanitized, laundered scrubs.
Goodwill was able to find more than 400 individual tops and bottoms from the racks of our temporarily shuttered local stores in Southern Oregon. Asante will distribute the items among their local network of medical centers in Grants Pass, Medford, and Ashland.
“We are super grateful for this opportunity to partner with our community Goodwill locations for the betterment of our entire community. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,” Brandi said.
The value of the items is estimated to be around $3,000. Goodwill is responding to donation requests made through the Rogue Valley Preparedness and Recovery Hub, RogueValley.Recovers.org to provide emergency assistance where possible.