Your Career Begins Here
Work for a nonprofit unlike any other.
If you are looking for a rewarding job where you can make a difference in your community, Southern Oregon Goodwill has that. If you’re ready for a workplace that recognizes your talents and helps you build a career, Southern Oregon Goodwill is that kind of place.
A Dynamic Place to Work
Our dynamic workplace is team-oriented, with a steadfast focus on our mission: enabling employment by providing opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Our organization and every person within it are dedicated to our values of strengthening communities, collaborating, making sustainable decisions, and serving others.
Our Core Values
The Core Values for Southern Oregon Goodwill® represent our highest priorities and deepest held beliefs as an organization. These Core Values are the fundamentals of our business model and define what we do, why we exist, and how we execute our mission for the communities we serve in Southern Oregon and Northern California.
We strengthen communities by bridging needs and services.
We model service to others as a guiding principle in our efforts.
We expand people’s potential by providing individualized opportunities
We ensure long-term stability through responsive actions and an enduring view.
We collaborate in our interactions with all stakeholders.