Communities Thrive
Let’s Make a Difference Together
Making our communities great places to live and work.
For over 50 years, we’ve been turning donations into healthier communities. In the areas we serve, people in need of work are getting the training they need to become employed. At the same time, we’re also saving millions of pounds of unwanted items from cluttering our local landfills each year.
Together, we’re making an impact for the better.

Stories Behind the Store
When individuals are empowered to gain long-term and meaningful employment, that’s when communities thrive.
Through our programs, people facing challenging life circumstances and barriers to employment are able to get skills training, personal and professional coaching, referrals to community resources, and more.
Want to see the differences your donations are making?
Poverty Simulation Workshops
To help the whole community better understand the challenges of living in poverty, we partner with other groups, businesses, and organizations to facilitate poverty simulation workshops.
These simulations help participants gain new perspectives by providing them with the opportunity to “live a week in the life” of someone struggling with the realities of poverty.
Following the simulation, a facilitated discussion helps garner ideas for potential change. The simulations are designed to sensitize people who serve low-income families and to create a broader awareness of poverty issues among our policymakers and leaders.
Contact us to learn more about a poverty simulation for your group or business.

Environments Thrive, Too
When you donate items or shop at Southern Oregon Goodwill, you’re a part of the reduce-reuse-recycle chain.
Together, we keep gently-used, unwanted items out of the transfer stations and give them new homes.
These efforts help make the community cleaner and greener (plus, they fund our mission programs).